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One of the most popular events at the Blackburn Manor is our feasts.  We have a variety of special occasions where we invite groups to meet and enjoy the evening together. The evening includes both dinner and a fire outside in our courtyard.


We hold a wide spectrum of feasts, anywhere from a handful of visitors, to hundreds at a time. We mostly do them at the Blackburn Manor and in the Blackburn Academy Extension down the street.


Currently we hold feasts for the following purposes and occasions:

feast hall.jpg

We personally cater the meal for our school feasts. We provide two appetizers, two drinks, roast chicken, rolls, one sweet and one savory salad, cheesecake, ice cream, and one more dessert! (vegetables need not apply) We put the clurichaun (house elves) of our European counterparts to shame!


Tickets to these feasts are sold through our social media channels, and we can host up to sixteen students per event. Students may also reserve a spot by calling us ahead of time.


Beginning of Term Feast- night of September 1st.


End of Term Feast- night of June 1st.

At the Blackburn Boarding House for Witches, Ghouls, and Monsters, we celebrate the ancient traditions of the old world as reflected in the Wheel of the Year. Tickets to these events are sold through our social media channels. We can host up to sixteen visitors per evening. These meals are professionally catered. Potential participants may call in advance to reserve a spot before the event is posted.


Yule- winter solstice, Dec 20, Christmas (longest night)


Imbolc- evening of full moon preceding January 31, beginning of spring


Ostara- March 20th, Spring Equinox, begin planting


Beltane/Walpurgisnacht- evening of full moon preceding April 30th


Litha- June 21st, Summer Solstice (shortest night)


Lughnasadh- evening of full moon preceding July 31st, Harry Potter's birthday, First harvest


Mabon- Bilbo Baggin's birthday, (beginning of Autumn)


Samhain- evening of full moon preceding October 31st, Spirits of the Dead

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