Campaigns are the most involved and elaborate of all of our events. These will involve multiple competing groups who are in a race against each other to accomplish the purpose outlined by each adventure.
Campaigns will occur once a month, usually beginning on Friday evening, and lasting until the afternoon of the next day. They will likely involve sleeping out under the stars or traveling some distance in order to achieve the goals set by the campaign outline.
Each campaign will be related to the stories and adventures of the Blackburn Brothers and their friends, and will be meant to engage the participants in the story in a fun and immersive way.
Sadly our campaigns are still in development, but you can begin to prepare by reading the stories, creating a character, and attending an event!​

Gourmet Foods Campaign
A competition involving the making of elaborate recipes
Magical Mine Campaign
A scavenger hunt and athletic contest amidst competing teams on a limited timeframe
Treasure Hunt Campaign
A themed cache hunt amidst competing teams
Physical Feats Campaign
An athletic contest between competing team
Wizarding Mastery Campaign
A sensational and special effects heavy story immersion experience amidst competing teams
Canyoneering Campaign
Competitive outdoor experience amidst competing teams