Wizard TV
Welcome to the Blackburn Boarding House for Witches, Ghouls, and Monsters
Something in the Sky
My friend turned his house into a wizard school
Preparing Lunch With a Wand
Ever since the turn of the 20th century, and with it, the magic of electricity and its corresponding technology, actual physical magic in contrast with the rest of the otherwise mundane world have had a tenuous relationship. Claims have been made since that time that technology won't work in the presence of magic. This however has been disputed by a variety of open-minded and forward looking witches and wizards with a bit more exposure to the wonders of their "non magical" counterparts. In fact it was this empathy and the resulting awareness to what was an inventive and entrepreneurial spirit within these seemingly average people that took the attention of the handful of investigative magical folks. Not only did this proximity result in greater peace, love, and understanding, but it resulted in one of the most remarkable changes the world of witches and wizards has seen in generations: Wizards learned magic from those who were thought to be without.
Obviously it wasn't exactly magic that they learned, but really, there was no better way to describe it; it was as good or better than magic, so that is what it was called.
But to the rest of the world who has no wands to wave to solve their problems, it was called technology. The specific technology was that of television, or television and movies. Cameras, television, acting, directing, all the things that go into the creation of the content that plays on the screens of the world beyond wizarding had to be first experienced, and then expored. It was this intrepid band of witches and wizards that first made the foray into this strange and wonderful world.
And it would not come without its share of difficulties; do you know how challenging it is to describe the mechanics of electricity to a being who can just cast a spell to solve his problems? That probably took the longest, actually. It was a labor to be sure. One that almost ended in ignorance if it hadn't been founded in the strongest love.
But somehow the right conditions prevailed, and the knowledge was conveyed, and a new industry amongst wizards was born.
Another difficulty came when the issues commonly seen as surrounding magic and tech again came to light. And initially, there was no solution. But after carefully eliminating the various culprits for the dysfunction, and methodical experimenting with a variety of spells, the sufficient means were discovered to provide a way for both magic and tech to work together. In fact, they were made better by one another.
Not that its terribly relevant, but for the investigator who cares to know, its not technology, but the interruption in the flow of electricity that had stopped tech from working in the presence of magic.
It was found that if a certain spell were placed on the casing of the camera or television, it could be adequatley protected from enchantment from a source within.
Further details on the subject betray that the spell in question was discovered in connection with the resistance that giants had to spellwork, and as it happens, there aren't that many wizards or witches willing to research the subtlies of giant magic.
Once the sufficient research was completed, and the proper spell placed, it worked like a charm. Only counterintuitively, it was actually a curse that absorbed magic, rather than prevented it.
Main thing to keep in mind though was that this combined effort of research, knowledge, and innovation opened up an entirely new realm of possibility for the world of magic.
And what began as a handful of curios tinkerers, due to their association with a certain magical academy and its reputation for cultivating curiosity in its students, would become a starting point for the most inventive and wonderful "magic" ever cast by those who, until then, were almostly wholly preoccupied with wand work.