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Timeline of Wizarding in the Wild West

1802 October 31, Birth of Benjamin and Mortimer Blackburn


1813  Blackburn brothers first year at wizarding school


1817  Mortimer leaves school; he goes on his first trip abroad with his father


1820  Mortimer Blackburn emigrates to America


1826  The Staff and the Stone pub is opened


1829  Master Mortimer's Magical Mercantile first opens


1839  Benjamin framed for murder in England


1840  Benjamin Blackburn emigrates to America


1845  Blackburn Brothers travel to Pacific Northwest for the first time


1855  Blackburn Brothers arrive in Utah Territory the first time; set up on banks of Hobble Creek


1882  Kris Kringle flees New York


1887  Kris moves to Blackburn's Brother's northern post


1888  Blackburn Boarding House for Witches, Ghouls, and Monsters founded


1890  Inaugural opening of the Blackburn Academy of the Magical Arts


1898  First murder at the Blackburn Boarding House


1900 Benjamin gets married; immediately she disappears.


1901  Mercury, daughter of Benjamin, is born and left on the doorstep.


1909 Mercury found to be a squib.


1910 International magic agents attempt to flush out Kringle from the Northern Base; local Sidhe go underground. Fire ravages the north.


1911  Blackburn Brothers formally take over Christmas Town once Kris moves further north; founding of sister Halloween Town


1912  Mortimer accepts the charge to teach Mercury


1924 Second murder occurs in connection to the Blackburn Boarding House


1937 Blackburn Academy of the Magical Arts annex built in Springville, Utah.


1942 Mortimer gets married; Great Fantasy Migration begins from Western Europe.


1943 Mortimer goes to war


1955 Great Fantasy Migration begins from Asia


1970 Great Fantasy Migration from Europe becomes a torrent


1980 Djinn take over most international institutions


1982 Freedom fighting zombies break fellows out of freezers in Los Angeles


1990 Additional class space added to the Blackburn Academy of the Magical Arts Springville annex


2005 First major success in war against the djinn


2010 Masters Mortimer and Benjamin Blackburn's School for the Alchemical Arts officially opens


2015 First official open house on October 31 for the Blackburn Boarding House for Witches, Ghouls, and Monsters

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